Finally heard from the BMP today for Micah's second assessment and the date for his eligibility meeting with us and the school system. His second assessment called a "playdate" takes place in their office. This is where the majority of his evaluation will take place, this is on October 16. Then we meet with all the therapists and the school principle to see what help he will be eligible for, this is November 5. Feels like a life time. Today I have to take two of the middle girls for their school physicals and will talk to our pediatrician again so she can fax over the Autism Spectrum Diagnostic Needs referral to the Easter Seals office in Peoria. So we can finally get the "medical diagnosis" done.
It's funny how without an "official" diagnosis, when there is something different about your child you know it. You don't need a "professional" to tell you what you already know. But for the world, I guess society needs to have the words Autism Spectrum Disorder spoken out in order to acknowledge that your child needs a little extra attention. A little extra help in this world. With our without a label, these kids are who they are. Different. But it isn't always a "bad different", there is such a joy and grace about so many of these little canaries. I am grateful mine can communicate, that he hugs me, kisses me and tells me he loves me. And for a kid who will likely place on the spectrum, he will place high functioning, for this we are grateful. I think my heart would break if he lost the ability to do those simple things we too often take for granted. Too many of these kids can't tell you what they think and feel, they can't hug you and kiss you, they have been lost in a world of their own. I am anxious to see change in them, I am anxious to see them set free. I have read about child after child who has come out of this fog, with the GFCF diet and biomedical treatments. Why are the mainstream doctors so scared of it? Why do they fight that it works? Well, I guess they would have to admit that if diet and biomedical detoxes a child into recovery, they would have to admit, some of the treatments (immunizations, environmental toxins, processed foods, etc.) may just be linked to the reasons these disorders occur in our children. They would loss money. But that rant is for a later blog.
Right now I am noticing slight things in Micah from the diet change, less melt downs being one. Until yesterday when we let him have birthday cake. Ugh, he has been obsessing, melting down and frantic ever since. No more cake unless it is GFCF, lol...we learned that one the hard way!!!
So until later, if you are a mom of a canary, love on them today, hold them tight! They need your love even if they seem to reject it! Be blessed!
Your son is amazing in his uniqueness. He can always bring a smile to anyone's face and melt a heart. I am honored to know him.